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Recycling and Environmental Protection

Recycling is an ever-changing field of business, with all-encompassing materials and harsh conditions. To be able to progress smoothly, you need both efficiency and precision.

Seepage provides rugged and reliable power with optimum maneuverability. The drive is easily matched to your material, it starts, stops repeatedly, and reverses as quickly as possible when something gets stuck.

Because the lower moment of inertia effectively limits torque, they protect your machinery from shock and other extreme forces.

For your employees, precisely coordinated controls mean high safety - and for your business, it means maximizing material throughput and optimizing production. Although our system solutions take up a small amount of space and add a small amount of extra weight, they will return you considerable benefits.


研发销售地址: 苏州高新区城际路21号汇融广场607-609室
生产物流地址: 南通通州区高新技术产业开发区金正路79号



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